See what our patients are saying

*all stories used with permission


I haven't had a blip of Atrial Fibrillation since I got my oral device.

"I thought I was sleeping. But I wasn't! At least not anything like I'm doing now. "


Lisa lowers her blood pressure, stays awake during movies, and treats her TMJ.

"Initially I was thinking 'Oh my gosh! Sleep Apnea? Really?' I just didn't think I was old enough to have sleep apnea. So not only has the Oral Device treated my sleep apnea, but also my TMJ. "


Troy gets off his CPAP

Don't get me wrong, I did better on the CPAP. I just think now [with the oral device], I'm doing better PLUS.


Anthony's Blood Pressure Stabilizes

"My sleep apnea has almost completely regressed."


Jeff is able to sleep with his partner again.

"I think the majority of my night [used to be] was heavy or epic snoring! [Now] My partner is able to sleep in the same bed [as me]. Its a win for both of us. We're sleeping better, we are feeling better the next day and we are having a peaceful sleep. "


Debbi doesn't fall asleep during conversations

"I'm grateful I caught my Sleep Apnea early."

Ready to get results like this for yourself?

Schedule a Consult with our Team of Professionals


Sam's sleep data gets noticeably better

"After I got used it, I was able to notice a change in the data results and outcomes... The fact that I can stay asleep for 8 hours now is a huge improvement. "


Eric says an Oral Device changed his life!

"My wife comes in [to the bedroom] now and all she hears is silence. I'm out."

Brandi A.

Brandi Finds a Way to Stop Needing a Nap in the Afternoon

"Once I started getting enough of the right type of sleep, I didn't have to add supplements to routine to make up for the lack of energy."


Apu changes nearly every aspect of his life.

"I've had an oral device now for 2 years, and it has many and enormous impact on every aspect of my life."


Brock stops thrashing around in his sleep.

"I used to wake up feeling like I had almost not slept at all. Throughout the day I was tired and at any opportunity I would take a nap. Now that I have the oral device, I don't feel like I have to nap anymore, I feel like I have actually slept. "


Amy replaces her CPAP!

"I was waking up more tired than I was when I went to sleep the night before. I was just always tired, and I just thought that was normal because I was a mother of small children. CPAP definitely helped, but I still wasn't getting as good quality sleep as I would like. [Now] I'm getting great quality sleep. I think better quality sleep than when I had my CPAP. Its been life changing. "

Ready to get results like this for yourself?

Schedule an appointment with our team of professionals below!

Call us at 479-339-0081

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Trusted by Doctors all over Northwest Arkansas

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Our convenient location serves the communities of Bentonville, Centerton, Rogers, Lowell, Cave Springs, Springdale, Pea Ridge, Fayetteville, Goshen, Siloam Springs, Fort Smith, and Joplin Missouri.  

Clinic Hours
Mon/Wed : 8am-5pm
Tues/Thurs : 8am-6pm
Friday : 8am-4pm
Admin Office
(479) 339-0081
Admin Office